To describe it boldly it's a prefab Photo-album Kit that gives you lay-out, text and cards, all you need to add are your photographs. Personally I prefer to do this myself, but I can imagine its very handy when you lack a creative gene or two.
I do love to use the Journal cards; put in the holes and they fit all Filofax sizes!
Personally I use one every week in my Filofax. On the back I have a little BULLETLIST. I carry over last week's undone chores onto the new card at the start of the new week. An open bullet means "to do" and I can colour it in once its done (love that part!).
If the card is boring I write a quote myself or draw or stick a nice picture on it. The Instamatic photo's fit perfectly by the way!
I am head over heels in love with the last KRAFT themed set. Loving the neutral Kraft brown and the sunny color mix. A complete set contains 500 cards, of which a lot of doubles. But you can buy them in smaller sets of 100 for only 6,50 euro at Jojo's Scrapshop.
Click here to directly go to Jojo's Scrapshop
So I am using my Kraft Kit and having lots of fun ways to use the cards.
GREAT PL Kraft cards set GIVEAWAY!
Win one of 5 sets of 50 Kraft-cards through our Social Media on Instagram, this blog or our Facebookgroups (Dutch Filofaxers / The Filofaxcommunity).
Closing date is May 16th. Winners will be announced on May 17th.
Comment here with your favorite quote that would look great on a Kraft card!
Best wishes, Desiree / TFC admin